Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wow its been a while!!!

Well it sure has been a very long time since I have posted. It doesn't matter that much because I know that no one actually looks at this thing. But anyway we just got back 3 weeks ago from a VERY long road trip. We had to take Liz, Nate, Trevor, and Ryleigh to Indiana where their mom moved to.

We went from here to Indiana then down to Louisiana. After our heart wrenching time leaving the kids and crying my eyes out, we headed to Louisiana. Our friends Gregg and Cheyanne showed us an awesome Louisiana time. Complete with crabbing in "gator" waters, a trip to the beach and a casino (where i won $250!), The Waffle House, and New Orleans.

The humidity was insane but the whole trip was amazing from the icredible scenery in Colorado, cornfeilds as far as the eys could see in Kansas, to absolutely everything being green in Indiana/Kentucky and the trees and hills looked like giant broccli, the biggest rivers and bridges i had ever seen and even the left over distruction from hurricane Katrina.

But boy was i glad to get into New Mexico to the dry desert air and the sagebrush!!! It wasn't home but it sure felt like it! Then our final stop before home was our Carlow family reunion in Beaver. It was a good time I always love going to Beaver. It feels like home more than any other place in the world. From Beaver to home it felt like a trip to the store!!! The two hours was "cake" compared to our 30 hrs to get from Louisiana to there!

It was truely a wonderful experience! We miss the kids terribly and can't wait until next summer to see them again. Who knows maybe we'll get to see them sooner.

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